Investor Presentation of the Week
Circle Star Energy Corp. (the “Company” or “CRCL”) is a publicly listed oil and gas exploration and production company whose shares are traded over-the-counter (OTC: CRCL). Based in Houston, Texas, the company’s assets include producing and non-producing oil and gas mineral interests, royalty interests, and non-operated working interest located throughout Texas.

Circle Star Energy Corp (CRCL)
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Apple TV Plan Is Already Here….Cut The Cable Chord!

CEO Tim Cook is clearly looking to make Apple TV the destination for premium content without a cable subscription, even if that means opening the door to more competition for Apple’s iTunes. In the big picture, iTunes HAS to become iContent.

Look at the Hulu deal to read the tea leaves. Hulu is the first time ad-supported TV content is available through the Apple TV box. It will NOT be the last.

Bottom line: The future of Apple TV may be less about a gadget, and more about access to premium content. The cable model of paying for 700 channels when you use only 5-7 is INSANE—and ripe for disintermediation.

I—like millions of other television fans…want access to the channels I USE—or the one show ON the channel—and not pay for 700 channels I don’t use.

Apple knows this…and is building its Apple TV service to be able to deliver a customer’s own network—I will call mine TobyTV.

Now…if you CUT your cable service and ONLY use the cable for internet connectivity, Apple turns the cable company into another “dumb pipe” ala wireless data service that brings OTT Services (i.e. digital services delivered “over the top” of ISP service) into your home, tablet or laptop.

Most homes are already “multi-screen” homes. I watched the PGA Championship on my TV set while getting other content from my IPad and Texting my golf buddies…doesn’t everybody?

I’m long Apple and Short North American cable providers…the future is coming fast.


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