NBT Research Report

With research firm IDC estimating data storage doubling every two years, the need for storage resources which can handle complex and mixed systems that combine both file and block data (i.e. unified data storage)...

NBT Initiates .75 Target On IceWEB Storage (IWEB) w/10X Upside
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Come Meet the New IceWEB CEO Rob Howe Aug. 23 At Noon In The Upcoming Webinar

Rob Howe, CEO of our favorite cloud/virtual storage play IWEB, will conduct a live webcast on Thursday, August 23rd at 12pm Eastern Time.  The webcast can be accessed here: IceWeb Webinar, and will be available after the session on the Company's website www.iceweb.com.

Mr. Howe wants to share his vision for IceWEB…and talk about re-org he has initiated and how the second half sale ramp is going. As reported Aug 14 in the 10Q, sales growth for Q2 were obviously impacted by the death of CEO/Founder John Signorello. But from our interviews with the IceWEB sale team, once IWEB got back on its feet and showed customers they are back and better than ever (and raised $1.6 million from existing investors who see the long term opportunity) postponed sales mostly came BACK in Q3 and the second half of the year looks to be a new sale record for the company.

We encourage you to get on the call or listen after at your convenience. We will have a new research report to release before the conference call early next week…which we will get out to ALL NBT Equities Research members and our 25,000 various social media subscribers.

Bottom-line: IF you look at 2013-2014 sales number and apply the normal take-out multiple (from the 22 storage company M&A deals of the last 36 months) we get to a @ $1.25 per share value on $25M annual sales rate. Rob Howe is a believer…so are we.


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