NBT Research Report

With research firm IDC estimating data storage doubling every two years, the need for storage resources which can handle complex and mixed systems that combine both file and block data (i.e. unified data storage)...

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Gartner: 1/3 of ALL Consumer Digital Content In Cloud by 2016

Whatever is good for cloud storage is good for IceWEB’s (IWEB) unified cloud storage business…SINCE they are the low cost provider to the cloud storage players.

Gartner Research now forecasts 1/3 of ALL consumer digital content—photos/movies/video/music/eBooks etc.—will be stored in the cloud by 2016.  Consumers only store seven percent of their content in the cloud now…so this report calls for 5X higher rates of cloud storage “market share” in essence.

“With the emergence of the personal cloud, fast-growing consumer digital content will quickly get disaggregated from connected devices,” says Shalini Verma, principal analyst at Gartner. Cloud storage is forecast to grow “aggressively” between 2014 and 2016, with a direct-to-cloud model becoming more mainstream.

Let’s face it: Cloud storage in the ‘post PC’ era is a massive trend…especially with user content growing at an almost exponential rate. The simplicity and ubiquity of the cloud IS the obvious place to meet those needs.

Gartner predicts that the sheer amount of digital data users store, worldwide, will be 4.1 zettabytes (ZB) by 2016, up from 329 Exabytes (EB) currently. To put it into perspective, there is 1000eb to 1zb. One Exabyte is 1018 bytes.

Verma said of this: “Cloud storage will grow with the emergence of the personal cloud, which in turn will simplify the direct-to-cloud model, allowing users to directly store user-generated content in the cloud.

“As storage becomes a part of the personal cloud, it will become further commoditized. Therefore, online storage and sync companies need to have a strategic rethink about their future approach”, she concluded.

Our conclusion? EVERY household and small business will have the equivalent of 50-100 Terabytes of “personal cloud storage” somewhere—which is why we think the Apple TV is going to really be just a gateway to your personal cloud of content.

This is the massive opportunity for IceWEB…to be the low cost/high quality cloud storage box for the Apples, Facebooks, Amazon’s and all the mid-sized enterprises.


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