NBT Research Report

With research firm IDC estimating data storage doubling every two years, the need for storage resources which can handle complex and mixed systems that combine both file and block data (i.e. unified data storage)...

NBT Initiates .75 Target On IceWEB Storage (IWEB) w/10X Upside
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IceWEB Patent Application KEY To Proving Value Of It's Storage OS

One of the KEY pieces to the path of 6-10 times sales valuation for small technology companies like IceWEB, is getting their key intellectual property (IP) awarded patent protection in the United States and other major markets.

IceWEB’s filing for patent protection is a major step in the process—and most companies their size are sold because of the strength of their patents AND their sales trajectory.

Consider this a big milestone on their way to a $100M+ valuation.


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