NBT Research Report

Our latest update for the Pulse Beverage Company ($PLSB) focuses on major news surrounding the much higher than NBT forecast launch of Cabana™ as well as the hockey stick like growth of their distribution network in North...

($PLSB) Pulse Beverage Corp. Cabana Brand taking the company to new heights
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Well There You Go Again

When it rains, it pours…and for Pulse Beverage that means 2 more regional distribution deals for its lead product Cabana 100% Natural low-calorie lemonade. These new deals surround the Chicago area and bring another 6 million of thirsty population to the Pulse Beverage distribution footprint. By the end of April we fully expect Pulse's distribution area to exceed 70% of the United States and most of Canada.

Spring has sprung in most of the North America…and that is the traditional beginning of the "lemonade season". However, as the fastest growing beverage category in the US (source Beverage Industry magazine Nov. 2011)—Pulse is proving lemonade is NOT just for Spring and Summertime anymore.

Great tasting low-calorie lemonade is proving to be a major success for Pulse…and consumers love it.

Chicago today, the world tomorrow!


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