NBT Research Report

We are initiating coverage of BOLDFACE Group, Inc. with a Speculative Buy Rating and $1.50 target price on 87.4MM million shares fully diluted and 5 X DPV of 2015 NBT revenue forecast of @$40 million.


Initiating Coverage of BOLDFACE Group, Inc. with $1.50 Short Term Target
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Kardashian Beauty From BoldFace Group (BLBK) Comes To Europe

Here is a startling statistic—what is the number ONE prime time reality show in the UK? Keeping Up With The Kardashians!

Europe in general are BIG Kardashian fans…so getting distribution for the Kardashian Beauty line is key to the BoldFace Group, Inc. strategy for selling Kardashian Beauty worldwide.

Check out their web site here  and here.

They have the UK exclusive for Kardashian Beauty…and will add another big sales engine to the line with 2.6 million unique online visits each month.

Hip hip hurray!

Source: PRNewswire


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