NBT Research Report

With research firm IDC estimating data storage doubling every two years, the need for storage resources which can handle complex and mixed systems that combine both file and block data (i.e. unified data storage)...

NBT Initiates .75 Target On IceWEB Storage (IWEB) w/10X Upside
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IceWEB Introduces First <$2500 Big Time Data Storage Appliance

Quick question: At home or in your office…does ANYONE think that in the next year they will have LESS data storage/back-up/disaster recovery needs…or more?

Considering that every DAY an average small business office or household of laptop/PC/smart phone users create about 500 megabytes of new digital stuff (photos, video, music, documents, database input, online transactions, email…etc. etc. etc.) you would have to be living in a cave off the grid to answer no.

IceWEB introduced today a 4 terabyte (expandable to 24 terabytes) professional level data storage system for the rest of us, i.e. the rest of us who don’t have an IT department (which I usually call the “butt-crack” army). This system is so simple that “Aunt Bee” could launch and operate the system—it’s truly point, click and storage and back-up is happening for ALL the devices in your office or home.

You won’t find this data network storage device at Dell or HP or anywhere else—this is an IceWEB first.

And the key to the system is a little dongle you plug into your PC or laptop on your network

You plug this in…the FindICE Utility….it opens up and identifies ALL the computers/hard drives/storage devices registered on your network…and voila! All your digital life is stored and backed-up on the IceWEB 1000 24/7/365. No muss, no fuss and digital harmony and safety is yours.

Of course if you want to transfer all your digital stuff to a Cloud storage system as your disaster back-up plan (and you do have a disaster back-up plan in place for your digital life, right?) you click a button on your FindICE utility and it’s done, every night while you sleep.

This is a great example of IceWEB bringing to market the right product that solves a REAL problem all over the world…and at price any office can afford. The specs on this baby compare to Sun/HP/NetApp storage at significantly higher prices…and NONE of these products can you open box/take-out appliance/turn on and click a few buttons and be in business.

In our opinion, based on the competition out there, this iceWEB 1000 will be a winner for IceWEB, for small businesses and for shareholders.

Press Release


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